Click on the link above to be taken straight to the YBI (which can also be found on the Research menu)
This is a index of Lincolnshire people. Unlike the people in the parish records and census, this list contains people who appear in any other record related to Lincolnshire. We were going to call it the “Lincolnshire People Index” but some other societies have similar named indexes and we wanted something different. I am reliably informed that a “yellow-belly” as we all know is an affectionate name for a resident of Lincolnshire.
It is part public and part MOA (Members Only Area) – there is a public list of surnames, but any other information and where those names are to be found is only available in the MOA. The list will contain an index of those people mentioned in the documents in the MOA and other sources. Anyone can submit names from anywhere - the only condition is that the information must be about something that happened in Lincolnshire and must include an identifiable source (not a Website please). Newspaper articles, names from books, war memorials, plaques on buildings, official documents such as council minutes, lists of churchwardens, ministers, the list is endless and should help identify people mentioned in unusual sources. Please send any contributions (whether a single name or a great number) to the LFHS Webmaster.