About us

Since the closure of our previous venue in Charterhouse Buildings London branch have decided that it makes financial sense to hold the majority of its meetings online. This has the advantage that members world-wide can attend the meetings, and in 2025 we will be using TEAMS to facilitate this.

All online meetings are held on Saturdays. 'Doors' open 2.15 and meetings begin at 2.30.

It is hoped that most meetings can be recorded and uploaded for a short time in the Members Only Area of the Society’s website for members who are unable to attend on the day.

Two ‘in person’ meetings will be held in the London area: one in May and another in September. The September venue is still to be confirmed.

To attend a meeting, including the in-person meet-ups, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. quoting your name and membership number if you have one. Joining details will be sent approximately seven days before the event.