Page 146 of 175 Results 3626 - 3650 of 4354

PlacePublication NameFormat
Swaton Lincs. Settlement Exams (0) & Removal Orders (2) CD/DL
Swaton Military Records Vol 1 Militia Ballot Lists 1824 Kesteven CD/DL
Swaton Parish Register Burials 1813-1901 Vol. 4 CD/DL
Swayfield Beltisloe Deanery Baptisms & Burials 1754-1812 CD/DL
Swayfield Lincs. Baptisms 1813-1837 Vol. 2 CD/DL
Swayfield Lincs. Marriage Index 1700-1837 Vol. 2 CD/DL
Swayfield Lincs. Nonconformists Vol 1. Dissenters Certs: [3] CD/DL
Swayfield Lincs. Protestation Returns 1641 CD/DL
Swayfield Military Records Vol 1 Militia Ballot Lists 1824 Kesteven CD/DL
Swayfield Parish Register Burials 1813-1901 Vol. 4 CD/DL
Swinderby General Loft?s Lincs. Notes (MIs recorded 1827) CD/DL
Swinderby Graffoe Deanery Baptisms & Burials 1754-1812 CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Baptisms Index 1813-1837 Vol. 3 CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Bastardy Docs. (7) CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Marriage Index 1700-1837 Vol. 3 CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Nonconformists Vol 1. Dissenters Certs: [3] CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Settlement Certs: (53) CD/DL
Swinderby Lincs. Settlement Exams (0) & Removal Orders (5) CD/DL
Swinderby Militia Ballot Lists 1828 Graffoe Wapentake previously on M/F MOA
Swinderby Parish Register Burials 1813-1900 Vol. 3 CD/DL
Swineshead General Loft?s Lincs. Notes (MIs recorded Nov 1830) CD/DL
Swineshead Holland West Baptisms & Burials 1754-1812 CD/DL
Swineshead Inquests Vol. 2 (Spalding Coroner?s area) CD/DL
Swineshead Lincs. Marriage Index 1700-1837 Vol. 1 CD/DL
Swineshead Lincs. Nonconformists Vol 1. Dissenters Certs: [15] CD/DL

Page 146 of 175 Results 3626 - 3650 of 4354