No, not the musical type. I am afraid that the new Resource Centre in the Hub appears to be in the same state, although to the careful observer, some real progress has been made in some areas. Compare today's photographs with those of the previous report!
The library is taking decided form, with books now being arranged in a planned order, rather than just tipped out of boxes. Brenda Overton is in the process of starting a new Library Catalogue from scratch. This will be added to the LFHS website when ready.
The visitor area is looking clearer, with an Information area taking shape. Stacks of excess furniture and piles of wooden shelving do betray my wish to hang on to all possibly useful items, until it becomes absolutely certain that they can be transported to the Lincoln Recycle Site without later remorse!
Thanks again to the faithful team who call in to make things happen.
Opening? Well, still not yet!! The internet provider has not yet actioned our requirements for full internet and telephone. A lesson to all, that the cheapest is not necessarily the best!!
So, until that happens, we have limited internet, therefore poor capability as a Resource Centre. I apologise to all those members wishing to visit and carry out their family research.
However, just a reminder, we will try to help where possible, via email enquiries. We have a new embryo 'Help Desk', under the expert control of Ann Lillywhite, and responding to the email address:
Once again, my apologies. Let's hope that progress is soon made with our IT suite, and full capability regained.
Graham Heath